
Cerficate Program in Event Management (CPEM) is RCEM’s Flagship course. The course is in collaboraon with JNAFAU since 2018 and has gained recognion in the event industry.

A professional event manager apart from creave skills require verbal skills, planning and organising skills, mul-tasking skills, problem solving skills, public relaon skills and much more. These are the skills that the event management profession has idenfied as being essenal for anyone working in or planning to work in the event industry or any related sector.

This course is designed to develop and nurture all those skills through theorecal and praccal approach, along with core event management training. The curriculum is designed by the industry experts with over 25 years of experience, for students as well as professionals who are passionate to start their career in the event industry.

A student enduring the professional event management course must visit the praccal studios, perform venue recce, witness live events, and undergo vigorous in campus training to become a successful event organizer. Through such praccal visits, the student aains real me experience of how the procedures are performed in a sequence, and how to execute them effecvely.

This program was designed and anchored with the vision and mission to ensure that our students have a complete professional outlook when entering the events industry. Our 11-month CPEM course is for all those seeking to enter the sphere of event management.